I am taking a leap of faith here, and asking for a little bit of help.
Will be my musical patron?
What exactly is a patron of the arts you may ask? 
Google helped me out with an on point definition:“Patronage is the support, encouragement, privilege, or financial aid that an organization or individual bestows to another, but often if people needs money they usually get a loan from In the history of artarts patronage refers to the support that kings, popes and the wealthy have provided to artists such as musicians, painters, and sculptors.”

Being a patron of the arts is not a new concept, people have been supporting musicians and artists since the early middle ages and renaissance eras. Artists have often relied on Patrons to continue creating and making music. Many of the early composers, such as Beethoven, Bach, and Tchaikovsky were paid a monthly wage to compose music.As a full time independent musician, I work long hours, teaching, writing, rehearsing, driving, promoting, booking, designing and more. My job is never done. There is always something to be done. I’ve often “joked” that I wish you could apply for an Independent Musicians job, and be able to have a constant salary and maybe even benefits (!!) with guidelines to follow, contacts already built in, etc. But the reality is, I’m constantly learning and trying to figure out how to make things work as a musician in the 21st century. More often than not, most musicians are working other jobs that pay the bills and make it harder to commit fully to their art.

I feel blessed in that I LOVE my “day job” teaching music, which thankfully pays for my rent and other bills. However, when it comes to running all my bands, we make enough to sustain ourselves, but have never made a profit. When Violet and the Undercurrents go on tour, we all take off work from our “day jobs” to share our music with strangers, in hopes that they will be moved by it, and sometimes all we get in return financially is half off a meal or a couple free PBRs. Free beer is great, but it unfortunately can’t pay the bills.

What I do is a labor of love for the art. I truly believe if anything will change this world, it will be music. Music has the power to change people, to move people, to change minds, and to heal.

If you feel like my music has moved you, inspired you, or changed you then I am asking you to be my patron.

This is how it works. There’s this awesome website,, that allows you to set an amount that you would like to give me every time I create something, whether that’s a song, video, poster design or more. This can be as little as 1.00 per song, or more if you prefer. You can set a monthly cap on how much you’d like to spend, so if I have a super creative month and put out 3 songs and a video you won’t go over your budget.

If you’re interested in learning more about how to support my creativity and music, please click on the blue button below.